Monday, July 31

"I have to get to bed b/c I have a date with a princess tomorrow."

Friday, July 28

"I heart pee free streets."
-Erin, on being back in Knoxville

Thursday, July 20

"My interest with Keanu Reeves peaked (not to be confused with piqued) with the line 'I know kung-fu.'"

Wednesday, July 19

"Snakes on a Canoe."
"Heh, um, that would actually scare me right now."
-Me, while canoeing

Thursday, July 13

"Henry Kissinger got Scott laid."
"My hair is looking safariesque today. I think I should buy a rifle."

"That sounds way harder than shooting them where they are."
-Mike on making a career of transporting overpopulated elephants v. going on lifelong safari to control elephant population

Monday, July 10

"So I was watching Thunder Dome, right. Then it hit me: casting Tina Turner as supreme villian, eh, maybe not the best choice."

Saturday, July 8

"My copy of Batman Begins is blessed; it's awesome."